Author: Uyoo, Stephen Yavenga, Francis, Akogwu Alu and James, Mark Ukwejeh |
Abstract: Data Communication Networks are facing a very high threat of information security issues from hackers. Data Encryption is now a solution to close the gap and plays an important role in Data Communication Security Systems. The applied security mechanism will use some algorithms to scramble any transmitted data into unreadable text which can only be decrypted by the recipient who will have the associate key for decryption. Cryptographic algorithms involves a significant amount of computing resources such as CPU time, Memory, Power, and Computation time that may not be readily available for the expected output task. Here we will compare four cryptographic algorithms, RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), 3DES (Triple Data Encryption Standard), DES (Data Encryption Standard), and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithms. Based on the analysis of its stimulated time at the time of encryption and decryption considering parameters such as computation time and buffer size usage to determine the amount of computer resource that is utilized and how long it takes each algorithm to complete its task. Experiment results are given to analyze the effectiveness of each algorithm. In this paper, we developed an application based on an Android platform in which the user can encrypt the message before it is transmitted over the network. The platform’s architecture is a client/server one; the server side is designed using PHP programming language and HTML, while the client side is designed using Android Technology, JSON, and MySQL at the backend and other necessary tools. |
Keywords: Information Security, Encryption, decryption, private key encryption, public key encryption, cryptography, DES, 3DES, AES and RSA. |
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